Granbury Air Conditions Company: Tips for Keeping Your AC Running Well
Granbury Air Conditions Company: Tips for Keeping Your AC Running Well
Over the years I have realized that many people do not understand how to use their air conditioning unit properly. Here’s a couple of easy tips to keep your cost down and your AC unit working well.
Air conditioning units work on the principal of maintaining a consistent temperature, not letting it get hot and then cooling the room down every time the unit decides to turn on. For example, never turn your AC completely off. When you get home, your house will have sat in the Texas heat for 8 to 10 hours, it’s HOT in there. When you turn your unit back on, you will most likely turn it all the way down to the LO setting which will cause your unit to over work itself. This action repeated consistently will cause your unit to wear down way faster than necessary and cause your bill to be way higher than necessary. Save yourself the pain of having to buy a new unit sooner than later and simply turn the thermostat to 80 degrees when you’re not home so it’s faster and less stressful for your AC to do what it’s supposed to.
Changing your filter is another way to keep your life cool. As your filter gets older, more and more dust, hair, skin, fuzz, and whatever else is flying around in the air gets stuck. When this happens, the air flow through the filter becomes less which makes it hard for the AC to pull that air in to cool it down. This, once again, will cause your bill to be high and will incur a visit from you local Granbury Air Conditioning Company sooner than later.
Granbury Air Conditioning Company, Glenn-Aire, was established in 1975 as a sole proprietorship by Glenn D. Cornelius and is located in Granbury, Hood County, Texas. The business has operated uninterrupted under the same name since originally formed. In March of 2005, after 30 years, Glenn decided to retire and turned over the helm to Jeff McKenzie.
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